We are pleased to announce the reopening of our office on January 14, 2019 following the Seasons Holiday. Wishing all our clients a Happy New Year. For those seeking funding for their projects we are ready to accept these applications which will be turned around in our usual prompt and efficient way. We envision another […]
AAY increases its funding capability to accommodate in the following ranges of USD/EURO/ GBP from minimum 1 Million to Maximum 1 Billion in either of the referenced currencies. For amounts in excess of 1 Billion these will be syndicated with our associated financial partners with no upper limit amount. In the first instance funding applications […]
We are pleased to report an increase in business for the half year term which is due to new and returning clients who came to us for funding during that period. It is anticipated that this trend will continue for the latter half of the year as we already have a high demand of applications […]
Financing still remains a significant concern for private sector construction companies operating in Ghana. “The single most pressing issue for the construction and real estate sector is access to capital.” AAY has been a vital provider of funding which has enable the development of these projects. “Financing an investment once the land has been purchased, […]
Despite increased interest rates by the Federal Reserve for 2018 which are predicted to continue, AAY’s Treasure Department has decided to maintain our current interest rate. This makes the Interest rate 4.75% on international project loans for the whole of 2018. This is good news for borrowers who are seeking funding for their projects at […]
Local banks have expressed their desire to have AAY as a partner.