AAY Fully Compliant With EU’s GDPR

We are pleased to advise that AAY Investments Group & S.A is now fully compliant with EU’s General Data Protection Regulations law (“GDPR”) which came into effect on May 25th, 2018.

The benefit to our past and current clients is complete peace of mind in knowing the information provided to AAY Investments Group & S.A which contained sensitive details about yourself, company and project will not be disclosed or made available to any third parties who are not affiliated with us.

Nor will any of the details of the success of your AAY Investments Group & S.A funded project be used to induce other clients who apply for funding. This blanket protection will now be applied under GDPR laws and rules.

AAY Investments Group & S.A will continue to publish limited information on our web site under projects funded that does not disclose the project details, name or location. Only the project industry, country and funding amount will be shown.