Season’s Greetings From AAY

With the Seasons Holidays soon upon us, we would like to take the opportunity of wishing all our clients old and new all the very best for the holidays and New Year 2019.

Please note, we will be closed for business during holidays from December 21, 2018 until January 14, 2019.

During this period we will still be accepting applications for funding which can be submitted as usual via our web site inquiry option and responded to upon our return.

To start the New Year off with a Gift we will be granting all applications that are received prior to our return on January 14, 2019 the benefit of having our December 2018 rates which will be a saving bonus.

For those who are ready now to submit their applications during the month of December prior to our close for business, we encourage you to do this to take the benefit of securing your funding by receiving our fast turn around approval.