JV Loan Investment Program Open

With only 3 months left before the fiscal year end makes this period very important for those who have plans for the realization of their goals and projects getting funded within 2021.

AAY Investments Group are ready to fund all approved projects before year end subject to the applicants being accepted into the 2021 fundable are are able to work in a timely manner.

The most popular and universally suitable funding program is AAY’s JV loan investment 100% program. This is made up of a combination of a 60% loan and a 40% equity injection, the costs involved with this program are the lowest compared to other programs. Borrowers would be required to settle these during the funding process in stage payments due once the relevant work has been completed.

Should you be a project owner or broker seeking funding prior to the end of the 2021 fiscal year, then let us help you achieve your objective of finding funding for yourself or your clients.

To submit a request for any of the 2021 active Funds, please visit the official AAY Investments Group inquiry form on the secure website.