AAY Focuses on Housing, Construction Industries for Funding

With the easy of travel restriction by many countries the leisure industry is set to boom. Hotel booking are reaching at pre pandemic numbers and are on track to surpass the records of 2019.

Manufacturing is also experiencing increased order volume for products that were put on hold during the 2020 lockdowns, demand is therefore now at the reaching volume of 2019 with supply not far behind.

The Housing and Construction sectors are also enjoying a higher volume of buyers as people are now able to move into homeownership and begin real estate investing.

AAY Investments Group offers up to 100% funding for all the above industries, many funding programs are available on debt and equity, pure loan and joint venture.

All project owners or their appointed broker / representatives should submit a detailed application directly to AAY by using the official AAY Investments Group website in the secure inquiry section. Following, you will receive a prompt reply following initial review of the application.