AAY Announces Sinking Fund

We are pleased to announce the new Sinking Fund for qualified project owners who seek this added value opportunity. The benefits of this program are that it allows for a funding loan to be paid off in part of full or to service interest rates from the Sinking Funds activities.

This program is intended for larger funding whereby the borrowers contribution would be initially paid into the Sinking Fund. The activities of the Sinking Fund would then generate profits which are used to pay off part or fully the liabilities of the borrower that would have been incurred with the funding loan.

The Sinking Fund can be created and adjusted to suit the specific requirements of the project owner and the project loan.

Applicants should have their own freely available funds to cover the relevant costs involved.

As the Sinking Fund is a specialist type of structure it is important that qualified project owners are financially sound.

Parties wishing to participate in this new program should in the first instance submit their applications directly to AAY Investments Group via their official web site.