We are pleased to report that 2021 has been a successful year across all sectors of industries and have seen a return to pre-pandemic levels of growth and profitability since Q3.
As we enter the later weeks of December AAY Investments Group is accepting new applications for our expedited international funding process for 2021 and Q1 of 2022.
The overviews of our funding programs can to viewed on our official website together with our listed of globally funding projects which are being updated to include the 2021 completed fundings.
To take advantage of our expedited international funding, all applicants would need to promptly contact our Inquiry Department to ensure their project application gets onto our review list.
All project owners or their appointed broker / representatives should submit a detailed application directly to AAY by using the official AAY Investments Group website in the secure inquiry section. Following, you will receive a prompt reply following initial review of the application.